NewTechWood leidt jaarlijks meer dan 30.000 ton plastic afval om van stortplaatsen en verbrandingsovens. Dit vermindert de hoeveelheid plastic die anders bijdraagt aan vervuiling en milieudegradatie.
Onze producten bieden een duurzaam alternatief voor traditioneel hout. Het hout is afkomstig van afvalhoutmaterialen, zoals zaagsel, houtsnippers en restanten. Deze houtvezels worden verkregen uit duurzame bosbouwpraktijken als bijproducten van andere houtbewerkingsprocessen. Door gebruik te maken van deze afvalmaterialen helpt NewTechWood de druk op natuurlijke bossen te verminderen en de behoefte aan houtkap te verkleinen.
NewTechWood gebruikt 100% gerecycled hout, waardoor bijna 900.000 bomen niet hoeven te worden gekapt.

Lagere Milieubelasting
NewTechWood vereist minder energie en stoot minder broeikasgassen uit in vergelijking met traditionele houtproducten. Deze lagere milieubelasting helpt klimaatverandering te beperken en vermindert de algehele ecologische voetafdruk die gepaard gaat met productie- en bouwactiviteiten.
Lower Environmental Impact
NewTechWood’s requires less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases compared to traditional wood products. This lower environmental impact helps to mitigate climate change and reduces the overall ecological footprint associated with manufacturing and construction activities.

NewTechWood reacted to the growing public concern for environmental sustainability by providing consumers with innovative building materials from a sustainable process. NewTechWood’s foundation was built upon the following green principles and values:
- • Products are made from 95% recycled materials, including plastic bottles and reclaimed wood fibers.
- • Yearly third party audits to comply with environmental, health, and safety guidelines and regulations.
- • Reducing our carbon footprint through waste reduction, energy conservation, and utilizing an optimum process.
We were “Green” before “Green” was fashionable. Our parent company has been recycling plastic materials for almost 30 years. Every month we save over 12,000,000 pounds of plastic from being buried in our landfills forever. Since we control the entire recycling process, including the proper washing, sorting and screening for impurities, we know exactly what material is going into our products. Total vertical integration of our manufacturing process allows us total control, for consistent quality, and color. It also allows us to manage our material costs for stable pricing, and dependable product availability.
UltraShield® offers 25 years limited warranty that includes the industries first warranty to include labor costs.